Sunday, August 12, 2007

Unseen and Unknown

After a long time I am thinking of putting my thoughts on to paper. I will try to describe how the present world that I have seen, doesn’t fit to my logic, also try to put my thoughts on whatever which is logical as per me. This may not be always practical. In those cases I am expecting a change in the present society for making them practical. Many times, my thoughts are simply questions as to 'why we are here like this'. Just wanting logical and neatly defined answers. I am writing all these for validations as Prem says.

The first thing I would like to point on is our perception of what is unseen and unknown.


We think about universe. What is there in universe, which is outside the world of our reach? To the maximum what is our reach now? Have set foot on moon or have we? There is a question mark that ‘have we’? NASA should give an answer. This is a question in minds of several million people I suppose by now.

Coming back to the point, what is our perception of anything outside the world of our reach? And why is that perception so? How have we concluded on that? What we think about possibilities of our reach to the total knowledge about universe? I.e. 'How much can we ever know about universe through science and technology?' I am not questioning as an argument against science etc. Just want an objective and logically acceptable answer.

Let me put all these in this way, in totality, what we know about universe presently I think is too minimal. And also if we think about whatever we say we know about, just observe the way concepts are changing. E.g. Concept about black holes etc… the things we have decided about them has been changing for such a large extent. Can anybody say, can we ever come to a right conclusion about anything of universe outside our reach? Is there any limit for thirst towards, this way of gaining knowledge, a rigorous scientific research? To the maximum, this way would satisfy the pride hungry people, I feel, to say, they have revealed this and getting Nobel prizes.

So, just wanted to ask this question. Are we heading in right direction of persuasion? Where is the end for such a persuasion? Is there any way to know whole universe around you? Is it possible in a life time to anybody to know the whole? Where will this persuasion lead to? We are looking forward for any alien world with life? If we get to them, what we will do? I don’t think, that would be a great happiness for those aliens. What is the intention of contacting them? I don’t think we can ever be sure of that.

We don’t know what it is exactly there outside out limits, try to define and redefine. They say this is thirst to knowledge. And justify that this would help our future generations. But, how? What we need to provide for future generations, so that they will be happy?

We are talking about unknown and unseen world, of outside our reach. There are still other unseen things within a life span of us. What are they?


There are so many openions about defference of culture. What we presume about other cultures? What we are thinking about them who live with a different culture? How different are they? Let us observe about a single culture also. How similar are people belonging to a single culture among themselves? Just wanted to ask something about cultural change also. Why do people of one culture start migrating to any other culture? What makes them do so? Or what makes people in one culture remain in the same though they see outside culture also? However we are deviating from topic again.

Let me return, we were talking about culture, unknown and unseen ones. We presume so many things when we get to know it for first time. How would be daily habit of each living in that cult, in different stages of life? How their childhood, youth and post marital life would be? What are its superstitions? (I don’t think any culture is there without superstitions, it’s just a matter of way of putting their logic in deciding their lifestyle. Something is superstitious until it fits into your logic.) What they believe and what not? It’s not until we live in that cult that, we know exactly, how we have been different that people of our original cult. How can we be absolute in saying what a right lifestyle is and what not?


Almost all see how people believe in God. But, God, we have not seen Him. What are our imaginations about Him? He knows everything, can do everything. He can see everything. He is present everywhere. Within and surrounding of us. But are they true? Science can prove His existance? Or is it better to ask, is science advanced enough to prove His existance? Many times, I feel, God concept is created out of fear of death (whatever, it has been good for human race to believe in God, as God cannot be unjust and it is a source of keeping morality in people, though there were few exceptions).

God concept also accompanies, another thing, life after death. These are speculations like what would be the fate after death? Also the concept of Hell and Heaven comes into picture. No one who would have seen has returned. Or the narrations which have been told about visiting them have not been proved. Concept of spirits, haunting dearly places. Nothing has been known completely. Anybody, who has started preaching about them, has been able to attract many people. We hear about spirits and fear, hope that it won’t be our own experience one day. But, never think how it is possible, if it is there.

I think I will finish today with this much. I just wanted to be thought provoking rather than giving my own answers right now. So, it might seem to be a collection of questions than anything. I will try putting my answers, the answers I assumed (for the time being), in my future posts. Till then, Good bye readers.

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